Tag Archives: Fat Acceptance

Here Goes Everything!


Good morning and happy Friday homies! The weekend is about to be jumping off and I for one and grateful for the chance to get started with the hunt! The hunt I’m referring too is the hunt for a healthier me! Today is the day I start my journey to in a different direction, a different tool will be added to my arsenal this day! Before I get to that I want to wish you all a wonderful and productive weekend. Hopefully, you will get a few things on your list done but also get your goal list popping this weekend! I’ve already had my cup this morning so I have you are either having your’s or at least have plans for some coffee

This will be a pretty short post because today I start my serving job. Now I understand that in the grand scheme of things that this line of work isn’t the end game for me. However, it is the next HUGE step in my journey to wellness and physical triumph and it’s a very big day for me! There are levels to this whole fat loss thing just like everything else in life and serving is the ground floor for the cardio level! The last year I have been learning what I need to be eating and when I need to be eating it also, I have learned how important resistance training is for overall health. I have made a consistent commitment to these areas but I always knew they alone wouldn’t be enough to get me to my goals. Like I’ve said on several occasions they are just tools in my arsenal to take to battle against my fat


Today marks the beginning of my training for better mobility, flexibility, and stamina. These are the main reasons I took this line of work in the first place. I couldn’t use the excuse I don’t feel like going to the gym or going to the park to exercising, now my job will be the workout! All I have to do is go to work fasted and work at a good pace and get better and better until I am the very best I can be! It will be very hard, extremely hard because my feet will hurt and chances are my back will feel a little uncomfortable. It will be hot sometimes and there will be situations that challenge my ability to achieve my ultimate goal of being the best in the building! My body will fight against this with every fiber because it was super hard to get this far and I know what the pain was just to lose 100 plus pounds so I know that this step will be even more difficult! My mind and heart have both seen the reward and now my body has been instructed to follow


I always say that I AM CHANGE! Well, change is hard homies it just is and while I will listen to my body and not just go blindly into that good night, I will not allow myself to come up short. I’ve given too much and sacrificed too many things to fail now! I’m doing it for myself, on this one, I am being completely selfish because this is all about me and what I want for me. My “Y” may include others but the core of this is for me, I want to have zero limitations on what I can do if I simply put in the work. So today I start the next phase.


I still plan to utilize the other tools as well, still hitting the gym till December, still fasting on regular bases and absolutely eating whole foods higher in fat and lower in carbs. Today I just add a new element and this one will be the hardest so far because it will test my pain against my determination and what I am willing to do to get what I want! I know it’s right because I’m nervous and I’m not a nervous person but when I stretch myself I get nervous and uncomfortable and that’s where I have to live sometimes to keep adding these tools! Wish me luck! I know God will watch over me as I pursue my next set of goals and I know he will bless every step along the way of all of your paths as well! I better go get ready to work and get grinding!

Have a fabulous day and I love you all! I believe in you no matter what!

Insta: Alexx3982

Face: Alexx’s Keto Avenue






Posted by on July 20, 2018 in Uncategorized


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Lift Comp!


Hey homies how’s it going? I’m writing this a little late because my workout and fasting have changed a little bit so I didn’t get up in time to write early. I have really been working on my sleep because I know I need to focus on getting better sleep! Anyway, I am writing now to say happy hump day for you and yours and let’s have a wonderful rest of the week! Of course, I am going to update yall on what I’ve been doing!




I never workout at the gym on Wednesday and I’m glad I don’t because it was super The people at my gym are really nice and helpful but there are just so many people doing so many different machines you feel like just turning back and going home! Of course, you know I didn’t do that I was actually motivated by all the people and I had one of the best workouts I have ever had! I mean my back was killing me but in a good way and I swear me and this 70-year-old lady have issues because every time I did an exercise she did it. I mean movement for movement and I really got into a heated lift off against a senior citizen and honestly, I’m not sure I won! What I do know is that woman is a beast and if I’m like her when I’m that age then I will be super happy! Tomorrow I have chest again and then I have to do some makeup cardio I missed yesterday! I’ll be on my regular schedule tomorrow and I think I will be feeling a little better not having a



Listen I have noticed that I have a secret weapon if I miss the gym because sometimes your schedule just doesn’t allow me to hit the gym. That weapon is fasting! So this whole fasting thing has been the single most powerful tool I have found in my fat loss journey even more than Keto. Although I didn’t workout yesterday I extended my fast from 18 hours to 24 hours! This allowed my body to do what it was designed to do which is to clean my insides like a pit crew and get me running at optimum level! Fasting has allowed me to feel in control of my eating problem and it has truly been the key to any success I have had so far! Simply put when your body has no food after digestion it begins to operate all your interior organs with stored fat! Man, are you serious? I’m sure tons of you knew that but not me and now that I know I will continue to use intermittent fasting as a tool to achieve my ultimate health. If you all get time please ask or google fasting and do some research it really is eye-opening!


On the diet front, I broke my fast with some wings from Longhorn and a delicious sweet kale salad! If you know me you know I really dig this place so it’s no surprised I ordered some for today and for my dinner tonight! I may be single-handedly keeping them in business and at the very least I know they have had to order more poultry! It’s really amazing thank goodness it’s low carb I would be in real trouble! We have been playing around with some fun quick food choices and I have a few pictures so yall can see. Don’t let your diet get too boring or overwhelming just relax and buy things that will allow you to keep to whatever way you plan to eat to crush your goals!


That’s all I have for today I apologize but I’m going to Cali next week and I have been getting ready to roll so my mind has been so focused on the trip that I haven’t been as consistent as I would like! I’ll make a better effort I promise. Have an amazing day today and enjoy the rest of the week because ready or not it’s













Posted by on April 11, 2018 in Uncategorized


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And here we are back to Friday and I hope you all are excited about the weekend! The end of the work week and now you get a chance to relax and enjoy some fun and comfort this weekend! Hopefully, you all have plans to do something you love to do this weekend. If you happen to work weekends that’s o.k too I hope you truly enjoy the days you have off this week no matter which ones. Time is the one thing we can never ever get back so please take time to do things for yourself and that bring peace and renewal to your spirit!



I have amazing news! So yesterday was the end of the month weigh in for me and I’m happy to report the great news! Since Monday I have lost 7 pounds doing this meat only diet isn’t that crazy? I have lost several inches around my waist and thighs and all the numbers look great! The most important thing is I feel really amazing! It really didn’t matter how much I lost(although I’m super happy) for me the most important thing is how I feel. It doesn’t do any good if we are improving and getting better if we don’t feel better! That’s such a big deal because when things don’t go our way or the scale doesn’t move it’s important that we can say we feel good! I’m very happy with my numbers this month and the fat loss so far but I can do better. Maybe not lose as much but I can do better with looking for times to do cardio and being more active in my everyday activities! I’m proud of myself because I feel like I am taking control of this part of my life and it has truly been a blessing to have a little success sprinkled in to help validate that I’m doing what’s necessary for my goals to get accomplished! Just an update to let yall know how the journey is going and I’ll be continuing to post my results weekly as well as monthly.


My body was absolutely exhausted yesterday so I took the day off from the gym and decided to lift today and Saturday so that I still get the work in. It’s chest day and I couldn’t be happier because with the extra rest I should be able to get that weight up and down will no The schedule this week has been crazy so I’m not sure if we are going to swim or not but I’ll make it up with the bike or stairs whatever it takes. I’ve noticed some cool changes with my body lately. The outline of the muscle that I have been toning is starting to come through and I know I feel a lot stronger than before! the gym has been a game changer for me and I know it’s not for everyone I would encourage anyone thinking about joining one to do so!


O.K. so my diet and all that meat I have been eating. This all meat thing is something that has obviously been very successful so far, I mean 7 pounds in 4 days is pretty crazy! The only problem I have is that I’m not sure how much credit the way of eating should get because I changed some other things. For instance, I have been drinking at least 80 to 100 o.z of water daily and that’s not normal for me but it’s important. On top of that, I have been doing stairs as apart of my routine which is something that’s fairly new. If you add those 2 things to the lifting I already do then I’m not sure how much the diet is responsible for. Let me say this, it seems that eating this way at least allows for my body to get into ketosis faster and when combined with intermittent fasting seems to have a great benefit. Again I can’t see me just eating meat for the long haul but it’s nice to have another tool in the fat loss toolbox ya know? Today I’ll break my fast with some shredded chicken breast that I have in the slow cooker as we speak. The plan is to shred it up and put it in a casserole dish and put cheese and pepperoni on top like a pizza! I saw it on Pinterest and I had to try it so I’ll let you know how it turns out. I’m not sure what we are having for dinner tonight but I think we are doing something else with chicken thighs, some type of soup or broccoli casserole maybe. I am extremely happy with the fat loss but honestly, I can’t wait to get some veggies in my life and that’s just not something I would ever normally say! Lmao.



I just want to say thank you for all you have done to help me along this journey. The fact that you have all kept up with me and had words of encouragement humbles me to my core! Without a shadow of a doubt, this all would not be possible without the love and support and I just want to take this moment to say thank you all for being such a blessing in my life! Enjoy your weekend and please if I can be of service let me know!


Insta: Alexx3982

Facebook: Alexx’s Keto Avenue








Posted by on March 23, 2018 in Uncategorized


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Grow Box



Thursday is always a good day as far as I’m concerned! I hope everyone is having a great and happy week as we get ready to slide into the weekend! Yesterday, we were running all kinds of errands and running around with our heads cut off but we still got everything done, including the workout! I got 3 workouts down and 3 more to go to make up for last week, I’m so serious about making every single week count!




Yesterday workout was fast and very explosive. Interval strength training is kicking my butt but I love it. I only did about 30 minutes of lifting but with only about 10 seconds between reps, my muscles screamed for relief. Even though back and biceps are my worse strength areas, yesterdays workout showed me just how far I have come in those 2 areas! Not only did I increase my weight but I was able to slide from one exercise to the next with no break in between. I’m loving the feeling of having gains in the gym! Today, because of my schedule, I will be doing cardio at home and then waking up at 3 a.m. to do strength training! We gotta get these goals taken care of for sure!



On the eating front, I am so happy to report I had some bomb honey garlic chicken for dinner last night! I’ll admit I had to take the small hit for honey to my macros but those were my only carbs/sugars of the day so I’m good. Don’t worry I took a few pictures so you all could see! If someone like me can throw this stuff together than anyone can! Had 2 meals as usual and fasted for 18 hours to complete the routine. My fasting is actually getting to be fun because instead of doing just the warrior fasting, I have been doing random fasts to mix my body up and I really feel like it’s working! My tummy has no idea when food is coming it just knows when it comes, there will be lots of greens and some amazing proteins until I get to the point where I can just eat veggies which is my goal later in life!





I promised to show you guys my seedlings are coming in and I also want to show you all my cool little ghetto grow box I made out of a tote!





I’m growing red leaf and mixed leaf lettuce to start and then some herbs! Hopefully, after this, I can transfer them to a hydroponic system later once I learn more and more! Have a fabulous day homies and I’ll be back to write a little more Friday which promises to be adventurous around here with all the freezing rain we are supposed to get, my goodness!


Posted by on January 11, 2018 in Uncategorized


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Bedroom Olympics




Another glorious Friday is upon us and I feel great! Despite being ridiculously cold and rigid outside the amazing sun has made its presence felt and that means everything to for me. There’s something about working at my computer with coffee perking in the background and the sun beaming thru the blinds that just makes it impossible to have a bad day!


I changed it up a little because of the schedule at home so I had to do my workout late last night instead of my usual middle of the night routine. The gym was still fairly empty so I managed to work my chest and triceps with few interruptions. This may be completely selfish but I absolutely love having the gym all to myself. Besides having my pick of any piece of equipment, it makes me feel like I’m working out while my old self would be laying in bed eating all kinds of bad food and being unproductive. My arms are still sore from doing curls from my last workout and it was difficult to finish last night but hey it’s not supposed to always be easy right?




After having to swallow the shame of my girl being right, my eating has really been super easy. I made fathead pizza for dinner and I consumed a huge salad for my lunch. These obese salads are really amazing because I can put so many different varieties of nutrients in them. Yesterday I had half green leaf and half Chinese cabbage and it was very yummy!  My carbs stayed super low at about 34g, so I’ll take that and be extremely happy. I did tons of shopping yesterday and it was so funny how my grocery cart has changed. When I’m pushing that bad boy these days it’s like I went plant shopping or something because It’s just heaping with greens and veggies. For me, that’s a major accomplishment because I really love my meats and processed foods. Like I said, I’ll always be an addict to those types of foods and while I still eat meat I hardly ever even buy processed foods with the exception of my oils and such. My body is so happy to be back on the foods it’s become accustomed to that literally I feel like I lost 10 pounds last night as if my body was saying “let’s reward his get back with a little hyper weight loss”.lol. I hope that’s the case because I don’t do scales even though I probably should!


That’s all I have for today other than to say I will be working out again tonight because of schedule and I’m fine with it. There’s always an excuse to not workout but what I’m learning is if you look at it there’s always an excuse to go as well. You’re not going to lose a ton of weight by working out but you can feel better and certainly add to all the healthy benefits of your eating you have been doing. It’s also a great excuse to just get out of the house and do something that you can honestly say you did for you. Exercise is the one area that it’s really o.k to be selfish with. Of course, you can and should have self-love without it but if it adds to your overall feeling of joy and satisfaction you should do it. If however, you hate to exercise but you know you need it simply do things around the house or at work to maximise your fat burning. Exercise doesn’t require you to make a huge plan and join a gym if that’s not your thing, the amazing thing about it is you can do a wide variety of things to get your body moving. Don’t call it exercise if you don’t like, call it something else like Training for the bedroom Olympics or Whatever it takes to get you going right?


Take this weekend and enjoy your life, read a book, take a walk with your loved one or catch a play! Make some memories that make you smile!



Posted by on December 29, 2017 in Uncategorized


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Get Right Back

Copy of I was just sneakin' them carbs imma get right back


This morning I am happy to say I had a great and relaxing Christmas. The holidays can really be crazy so I thank the lord I was able to have some peace and quiet along with my fun and it all worked out fabulous.


I’m back to the gym tomorrow at 2 a.m. sharp and I have such a better understanding of my purpose in the gym and how I want to go about my workouts! Even though I just started last week I am going to start going to the gym 4 days a week because I think it’s time to start pushing my body further in this new healthy direction that started with this year! I pay a pretty high amount to belong to this gym so I promised myself I would get every penny worth out of


So for Christmas, I did not count my macros and I totally had all kinds of different carbs and stuff I don’t normally eat and let me tell you it was great! I really have missed how some of these foods taste and even though I ended up going to the men’s room a lot more than normal it was still worth, One thing is true, when you change how you eat and then you go back to that way of eating temporarily, you realize that it’s no secret why you got so damn big in the first place! It’s so easy to get carried away and look up and you have consumed like 400g of carbs in just under 2 hours. That’s just insane to me because I have had times doing keto that I may have had that total in an entire month! I don’t regret eating this way one bit and it has nothing to do with me “living a little” like people often say. For me personally, it allows me to enjoy those sweet and carby snacks so much more because my taste buds are not used to them anymore. The flavor just seems to have intensified so very much since I don’t eat these types of food often. It was awesome to be able to have that little snack or 2 and some really amazing wine but alas, it just doesn’t line up with what I truly want for my body so it’s back to the normal delicious high-density foods I’ve come to love! Folks, it’s o.k to have the foods that you love even if they aren’t the best for you as long as you remember to get right back!

Copy of I was just sneakin' them carbs imma get right back



I’m fasting today to allow my body time to get rid of all those amazingly delicious foods I ate for Christmas. My normal fast is 20 hours but I think I may do something a little different maybe a 16 or 18 hour fast then eat a large beast salad of say 10 or 12 ounces of romaine and spinach! I know that’s an enormous salad indeed but considering that I’m supposed to have that many greens just about every day anyway and I know I don’t get close to it. On average I get about 5 cups which is good but I can and will do a lot better because most of my caloric intake comes from fats and it’s just easier for me to incorporate fats in my large salads than anything else. I tend to overdo it with meat but when I eat salad I almost never put too much meat on it instead I use a good amount of olive oil and homemade dressings to help my fat macros pop! This week I’m making some homemade french dressing so I’m really excited about how that turns out because I really dig french dressing!


Lastly, I wanted to talk about research. Folks its so important that you take time out to do a little research on the type of exercise and diet you are doing. Now, this doesn’t mean you have to read a 700 page paper on weight loss and dietary fiber and such however it’s important that you understand what you’re doing to your body and why you’re doing it! Sometimes you may honestly be doing something because a friend told you or a blogger said to do it because it worked for them. There’s certainly nothing wrong with trying new things and finding out what works best for you. Just remember that you live in an age when information is so plentiful that you don’t have to just take one viewpoint as the bible for all your information! Do your research so you can feel confident that what your doing is the best thing for you to stick with. Consistency is the key here and most of us are not going to stick to something if we got talked into it by someone else. When you do your own research you find the approach that makes sense to you and you can also find ways to tailor your lifestyle to that particular idea. Keep feeding your mind and your body will thank you for it! Have a beast of a day and don’t forget to smile!


Posted by on December 26, 2017 in Uncategorized


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